Personal Training
Our Approach
We are not restricted by one approach to training or health and/or to one school of thought as to how people should train. We have completed certifications with most of the great educators worldwide (Chek, Poliquin, Gary Gray) and so we understand that there are many ways to achieve a goal.
The Ambition approach to health and training is based upon the best solution for you and your aspirations. This allows us to work with a variety of clients of different abilities and age groups and to provide a whole range of advice and training methods - and variation in training helps keep you interested and motivated. This approach also allows us to work in a whole range of different types of environments; in fact we could train most people without any equipment whatsoever (although we recognise that equipment is very useful and can improve results, so we do still use it frequently).
Our Advantage
The key to providing you with exactly what you need is understanding how the mind and body functions in daily life and then planning a health and exercise program around this. An in-depth knowledge of functional anatomy and the hormonal system gives us this great advantage over our competitors. At Ambition our trainers are frequently assessed both informally and formally to make sure that the best possible service is provided, so there is little danger of you receiving inappropriate advice or exercise from any of our team.
How it Works
We offer an initial complimentary consultation where we can discuss your goals and outline our achievement strategy. As our program operates within a clinical environment we may recommend a multi-disciplinary approach; as you can see, we cover many different disciplines with our Health Through Optimum Movement Program. All of these services have earned their place in our health and fitness arsenal, and it is often essential to combine training with treatment and advice to get the best results.
Personal Trainers and Corrective Exercise Specialists at Victoria
We have both male and female personal trainers. Here's a quick introduction to some of our team...

Jeff Murray
Personal Training Director, Corrective Exercise and Rehab Specialist
I have now over 30 years experience in this field ( started in 1990) and have probably more experience of anyone on the planet in working with people one to one. On the basis of 20 to 30 hours a week and working 48 weeks a year since that date I have accumulated between 30,000 and 46,000 hours experience. As I write I am now 60 years of age, married with 4 kids and very active and participate in exercise most days. I have currently none of the age related illness we are led to believe we should expect and feel well. I take no medication and have never been recommended any. I haven't have a need to visit the doctors for as long as I can remember except for injuries incurred falling on the Alps. I regularly push weights, train Bodyweight exercises , do mobility and flexibility training, cycle every other day, practise Muay Thai and spar 2-5 times a week, ski 30 days a year, Kayak all summer, enjoy a glass of wine, enjoy food and stay relaxed. All of this may be good luck and/or good genetics but there is sold evidence out there that trying to do the right things regarding food, exercise and lifestyle can make an enormous difference to health outcomes. I'm very grateful for my good health and I'll also keep my finger crossed fi now and also keep doing the right things. I'd like to help you achieve what I have over the years and beyond.
Corrective Exercise
Rehab after Injury Specialist
Rehab after Surgery Specialist
Bodyweight Training
Strength and Conditioning
Flexibility Training
Mobility Training
Weight Training-All types
Home Training
Online Training
Video Training
Shoulder Rehab
Knee Rehab
Neck and Spine Rehab
HIIT High Intensity Training

Giles Wingrove- Senior Personal Trainer and Fat Loss Specialist
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Fat Loss Specialist
Body Weight Training Specialist
Weight Training and Lifting Specialist
Giles has been a keen martial artist for many years, studying karate as a teenager before getting into Muay-Thai in the last few years. He has travelled to Thailand on 3 occasions to study under local masters.
Since completing a YMCA qualification in Personal Training Giles has had great success with a multitude of clients for both fat loss and muscle gain. Giles also holds a qualification in TRX training and nutrition.
Through a great interest in diet, nutrition and delicious food, Giles has become a keen Primal/Paleo chef, often giving clients practical cooking lessons, tips and recipes as well as spending hours in the kitchen experimenting.

Kinga Jonczyk
MSc Physical Education, CHEK-certified practitioner
Kinga Jonczyk- Exercise Specialist, Massage Therapist, Swimming Coach, and Kettle Bell Coach MSc Physical Education, Chek Coach, CHEK Practitioner Level 1 Kettle Bell Coach CKT level 2, ITEC Massage Therapist, Swim Instructor ASA I am an exercise specialist and massage therapist with Ambition Health and Performance Clinic. I have been working in the health and fitness industry since 2000. Moving and physical activity has been always something natural to me. I have been involved in many sports activities, in some as an athlete. From my experience and education I have acquired a holistic and personalised approach to helping clients achieve their goals in health, fitness/sport and rehabilitation. My scope of practise is in the assessment of the movement, performance and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology and motor learning, and management (recommendation and providing a plan of action) of disorders/musculoskeletal imbalances to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement, function and performance in the areas of sport, recreation, work or exercise.

Harry Clemson
Senior Personal Trainer & Corrective Exercise Specialist and Rehab Specialist
Harry has been playing rugby all his life and with that came a natural exposure to the world of health and fitness from an early age. Playing rugby at high levels in both union and league Harry decided push into the field of health and fitness while remaining competitive in a variety of sports. Harry has competed in powerlifting and became a British Champion in his weight category and won the overall best lifter in the competition amongst other competitive endeavours. He has worked successfully with a huge range of people including competitive Bodybuilders and Fitness Models, Rugby Players and Fighters, Runners and Cyclists, World champion Powerlifters, Basketball players and Olympic lifters. Harry's true calling was found quite by accident when asked if he could help a patient with a late stage of M.S (Multiple sclerosis) whom was struggling to find a way to fight the progression of their M.S. Harry was able to put the years of high level sports related training and anatomical study together with his unique way of thinking to create an effective way to not only halt the symptoms of the M.S but to reverse the effects. Since then Harry has been improving his craft and successfully working with patients with varying neurological issues such as M.S - Stroke Victims, Parkinson's and chronic pain.
• Strength and Conditioning Training
• Sports Specific Training
• Multiple sclerosis (M.S)
• Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention
• Posture and Ergonomics
• Pain Management
• Calisthenics
• Fat Loss